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Our organisation

Our mission 

The SRM has the mandate to ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks, preserving financial stability and protecting the taxpayer, thereby contributing to the integration of the Banking Union, to the prosperity of the EU and to the economic and social welfare of EU citizens. 

The SRM is composed of the SRB and the National Resolution Authorities (NRAs), together with the European Commission and the Council of the European Union. The SRB is entrusted with centralised resolution powers and is accountable for the effective and consistent functioning of the SRM, contributing to the efficient functioning of the EU. 

The SRB and the NRAs collaborate closely and have a division of responsibilities to work proactively on crisis readiness, resolution planning, and enhancing resolvability of large and smaller banks and cross-sectoral financial groups. 

Moreover, the industry-funded Single Resolution Fund (SRF), managed by the SRB, can be used to ensure the efficient application of resolutions tools. In order to achieve its goals, the SRM works closely with the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), and other European bodies.

 In addition, the SRM cooperates with other sectoral authorities in charge of resolution, with the national authorities of Member States outside the Banking Union and of third countries, as well as with the industry.

Our vision

The SRM is a trustworthy mechanism that proactively prepares for and responds to banking and financial crises based on:

  • its leading expertise in resolution, carried out with independence and accountability; 
  • its commitment to serve European citizens and the common good of the EU; 
  • its collaboration within the SRM, the EU bodies, global stakeholders, and the industry; 
  • its ability to communicate effectively and transparently with counterparts and stakeholders; and 
  • its safe, inclusive and diverse environment as a place for its staff to work, innovate and grow together

Our values

These values relate to the role of SRB staff as part of an EU agency delivering on its important mandate as part of the Banking Union, and in the larger context of the European Union’s mission to guarantee peace, freedom and security in and around Europe.


  • to be driven by the European project and its highest values of peace, freedom and democracy 
  • to embrace teamwork and diversity of opinions 
  • to consider the impact of the SRM and industry actions on economy, people and the environment 
  • to act free of undue influence in pursuance of the SRM mandate, subject to being held accountable for own acts and decisions


  • to promote diversity and inclusion in all aspects 
  • to prevent any form of discrimination on the basis of sex, racial, ethnic or nationality origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, or any other grounds 
  • to acknowledge others’ contributions and achievements and promote a merit-based culture


  • to deliver our tasks in an excellent, flexible and efficient way, in keeping with the SRM mandate, ensuring the preservation of financial stability and protection of critical functions in the Banking Union 
  • to behave according to the highest standards of accountability and integrity 
  • to be loyal and driven by the need to maintain the SRM’s good reputation 
  • to be open to innovation and not fearing to fail in order to succeed, while defining the appropriate risk appetite to respond in a timely way to emerging threats


  • to share information in a timely, secure and meaningful way, including all relevant internal and external stakeholder
  • to substantiate its decisions and actions, so stakeholders are able to understand our decisions and how these contribute to the delivery of our tasks under the SRM 
  • to consult the relevant stakeholders in a spirit of efficient information sharing, while preserving the necessary confidentiality

Our internal organisation

The Chair is responsible for, inter alia, the management of the SRB, its budget, preparing the work of the SRB in its Executive and Plenary Sessions, all staff matters, and matters of day-to-day administration. The Vice-Chair and the four full-time Board Members are responsible for individual directorates:  

  • Directorate  A  Resolution  Strategy  and  Cooperation  provides resolution expertise, including expertise related to financial stability analysis, and aims to ensure a common understanding within the SRM of horizontal and policy topics; in general, this Directorate also manages the SRB’s cooperation with its stakeholders, like the EC and the ECB;      
  • Three directorates (Resolution Planning and Decisions B, C and D) are directly responsible for preparing resolution plans and, if necessary, resolution schemes for the banks within the SRB’s remit, in cooperation with NRAs within the forum of Internal Resolution Teams (IRTs). As a general rule, each directorate covers specific countries;
  • The Vice-Chair is responsible for Directorate E Corporate Services and the Single Resolution Fund.  This  directorate  manages  functions  such  as  Human  Resources,  Information Technology, Finance and Procurement and Facilities, and is responsible for raising contributions to, as well as managing and investing the resources of, the SRF to ensure, if need be, the effective application of the resolution tools;
  • Additionally, in the performance of her tasks, the Chair is assisted by a dedicated staff. In this regard, the General Counsel and Corporate Secretariat, the Policy Coordination and International Relations unit, the Communications team, Internal Audit and Accountant all form independent units within the SRB, reporting directly to the Chair.


  • See organisation chart at the bottom of this page

Our main tasks

  • To draft resolution plans for the banks under its direct responsibility. This includes the banks under the direct supervision of the SSM and all cross-border groups;
  • To carry out an assessment of the banks’ resolvability and to adopt resolution plans;
  • To address any obstacles to resolution and cooperate on resolving them;
  • To set the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL);
  • To follow up on early intervention measures;
  • To trigger resolution (with the ECB);
  • To adopt resolution decisions, to choose and decide on the use of resolution tools;
  • To closely cooperate with and give instructions to National Resolution Authorities (NRAs); and
  • The SRB is in charge of the Single Resolution Fund (SRF). The SRF is financed by the banking sector. It has been set up to ensure that financial support is available as a last resort, after private solutions have been ruled out and after the owners and creditors have borne losses.
  • Banking Union Essential Terms: Technical Abbreviations & Glossary (EN/DE/FR)


PDF | 948.25 KB | Publishing date:
SRM Vision 2028
PDF | 149.63 KB | Publishing date: | Decision date:
SRB Organisation Chart - October 2024