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  • 473 results found

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Press releases |

Today, the SRB publishes a communication on the changes to its MREL policy to be implemented in line with the Daisy Chains Act, which was adopted earlier this year. 

This Act allows resolution authorities more flexibility in setting internal minimum...

Interviews |

"The coming financial crisis will be different from previous ones"
Banking systems in the 21 countries of the banking union are much more resilient than they were before. But we must not allow ourselves to be complacent. The crisis will come again and it...

Press releases |
  • This will include expectations on valuation data and playbooks.

  • Consultation to be carried out in 2025.

The Single Resolution Board is developing and updating its expectations for banks on valuation capabilities.

Bank valuation is a key tool for effective...

Press releases |

The European Commission, in consultation with the Single Resolution Board (SRB), has launched the process to select and appoint three new Board Members.

The terms of office for the Board Members appointed in 2020, which are not renewable under the Single...

Press releases |
  • Multi-Annual Plan sets out priorities and activities over the next five years, based on the SRM Vision 2028 strategy.
  • The SRM will increase its focus on crisis management and readiness, the operationalisation of all resolution tools, and the implementation...
News |

This note is aimed at reporting to the Eurogroup of 13 May 2024 on the Single Resolution Board’s (SRB) activities. It includes:

1) SRB’s key risk reduction goals achieved; 

2) SRM Vision 2028 – the new Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) strategy; 


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