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Public Agenda

Date of the meeting Location Organisation SRB representative Subject
Brussels Santander UK & EB Banco / Mr. Jose Maria Roldan Dominique Laboureix Exchange of views on regulatory issues
Brussels BNP Paribas/ Mr. Philippe Bordenave Dominique Laboureix Exchange of views on regulatory issues
Bucharest, Romania Mr F. Danescu - Executive President/ Ms M. Bitu - CEO ING Bank Romania/ Ms M. Lupu CEO of UniCredit Bank Romania/ Mr. M Tiftikcioglu CEO Garanti BBVA Romania Dominique Laboureix & Pedro Machado & Jesus Saurina Salas Official Visit in Romania: Meeting with Banking Association
Brussels, Belgium Ms P. Szeradzki - President/ Ms N. Schindler Dominique Laboureix Exchange of views with the European Association of Co-operative Banks
Prague, Czech Republic Mr D. Baran - Executive Director of the Czech Banking Association/Mr J. Juchelka - Chairman of the Board of Directors at Komerční banka/Mr I. Vida - Chief Executive Director at Raiffeisenbank /Mr. V. Kotlan - Director at Česká spořitelna Dominique Laboureix & Jesus Saurina Salas Official Visit in The Czech Republic: Meeting with Banking Association
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ms B. Kramer - Sustainable Finance Lab/Mr W. van den Goorbergh - NL financial investments/ Mr G. Everts - European Investors-VEB/ Mr E. Feitsma - Employers’ association Dominique Laboureix & Pedro Machado Official Visit in The Netherlands: Meeting with Civil Society Organisation
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ms M. van der Laan - Chair /Mr E. Dubbeling -General Director Dominique Laboureix & Pedro Machado Official Visit in The Netherlands: Meeting with Banking Association & Banking CEOS
Basel, Switzerland Ms Y. Wang - Chairman/ Mr Z. Wu - Chief Legal Counsel/Ms R. Tan - Senior Staff/Ms W. Yang - Senior Staff Dominique Laboureix & Karen Braun-Munzinger Exchange of views on regulatory issues with the China Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)
Rome, Italy Customers’ associations, university representatives; Banking and Financial Ombudsman Dominique Laboureix & Tuija Taos Official Visit in Italy: Meeting with the Italian Civil Society
Brussels The Board of the Finnish Financial Industry Tuija TAOS Presentation of The Board of the Finnish Financial Industry to the SRB
Budapest, Hungary SMBC / Mr H. Kawafune & Mr S. Roger Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB) / Ms N. Schindler Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary BNPP / Mr J. Lemierre Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary Santander / Ms M. Lopez-Monis Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary UBS / Ms D. Bauer-Weiler Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) / Mr P. Simon - Mr D. Carriou - Mr D. Bruggink Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary Bank of Japan / Mr H. Kouguchi Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral meeting in the margins of EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary S&P Global / Mr N. Charnay Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral Meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Budapest, Hungary Nordea/Ms J. Vesala Dominique Laboureix & Member of Cabinet Bilateral Meeting in the margins of the EUROFI
Brussels Association of German Banks/Mr Heiner Herkenhoff Dominique Laboureix Exchange of views on regulatory issues with the Association of German Banks
Zagreb, Croatia Mazzocco Drvar-World Wide Fund for Nature Adria/Zoran Bubaš-Institute of Public Finance/ Dominique Laboureix & Daniel McCarthy Official Visit in Croatia: Meeting with the Croatian Civil Society
Zagreb, Croatia Tamara Perko-Croatian Banking Association/ Tomislav Ćorić; Michael Faulend; Lucija Šubić; Sanja Petrinić Turković; Renata Samodol; Sandra Tripović; Damir Blažeković; Mario Varjačić; Lidija Pranjić - HNB Dominique Laboureix & Daniel McCarthy Official Visit in Croatia: Meeting with the Croatian Banking Industry
Slovenia, Ljubljana Blaž Brodnjak-NLB CEL/ Archbald Kremser; Igor Zalar -NLB Banka/ John Dehnhos-NKBM/ Marko Filipčič-Gorenjska Banka/Kristian Hvala-Banking Association/Darja Hota Mesarič-OTP Banka Dominique Laboureix & Jesus Saurina Official Visit in Slovenia: Meeting with the Banking Association
On line AFME Karen Braun Munzinger – Board Member, SRB & SRB Policy Expert, Unit A4 Introduction meeting with the new SRB Board Member/ AFME
European Banking Federation (EBF), Brussels European Banking Federation (EBF) SRB staff from the Unit A1 and Unit D1 SRB Meeting with EBF and its members - second policy workshop in 2024
Brussels Deutsche Bank / Mr James von Moltke (President and Chief Financial Officer) Dominique Laboureix & Tuija Taos Exchange of views on regulatory issues
Brussels Association of German Banks / Mr Herkenhoff and Mr Gabriel Dominique Laboureix Exchange of views on regulatory issues
Brussels European Banking Federation /Mr Mijs, Mr de Brouwer, Mr Dubbeling, Dominique Laboureix EBF Executive Committee Meeting
Brussels Association of German banks / Mr Heiner Herkenhoff (CEO) & Mr Gabriel Kolja Dominique Laboureix & Tuija Taos Exchange of views on regulatory issues
Sofia Eurobank Bulgaria: Petia Dimitrova / Unicredit Bulbank: Tsvetanka Mintcheva / DSK Bank: Tsvetoslav Dimov / First Investment Bank: Nikola Bakalov / Bulgarian American Credit Bank AD: Ilian Georgiev Dominique Laboureix & Jesus Saurina Salas Official Visit in Bulgaria: Meeting with Association of Banks in Bulgaria
Brussels Italian Banking Association / DG Giovanni Sabatini Dominique Laboureix & Tuija Taos Exchange of views on regulatory issues
Washington Japan Financial Services Agency - Japan (FSA)/Vice Minister for International Affairs Shigeru Ariizumi Dominique Laboureix Bilateral Meetings in the margins of the IMF Spring Meetings
Brussels Cerberus UK Management / David Teitelbaum Dominique Laboureix Bilateral Meetings in the margins of the EBEC Forum
Brussels Barclays / CEO Coimbatore Sundararajan Venkatakrishnan Dominique Laboureix Bilateral Meetings in the margins of the EBEC Forum
Brussels ISDA / CEO Scott O’Malia Dominique Laboureix Bilateral Meetings in the margins of the EBEC Forum
Hybrid meeting European Banking Federation (EBF), European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB), European Association of Public Banks (EAPB), European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) Kristian Kjeldsen, Bettina Darlap, Shady abd el Kader, Victorien Salles B Policy meeting with the EBF including members from EACB, EAPB and ESBG on 22 March 2024
Paris BPCE: Nicolas NAMIAS / Crédit Agricole SA: Philippe BRASSAC / BNP Paribas: Jean-Laurent BONNAFE / Société Générale: Slawomir KRUPA / Crédit Mutuel: Nicolas THERY / La Banque Postale: Stéphane DEDEYAN / FBF: Maya ATIG & Etienne Barel & Ermelina Debacq Dominique Laboureix & Head of Cabinet Meeting: Members of the Executive Committee of the French Banking Federation
Madrid ABANCA: Francisco Botas / AEB: Alejandra Kindelan / Banc Sabadell: César Gonzalez-Bueno / Banco Santander: German de la Fuente / Bankinter: Maria Dolores Dancausa / BBVA: Onur Genç / BCC (Cajamar): Luis Rodriguez / CAIXABANK: Gonzalo Gortaza / CECA: José Dominique Laboureix & Pedro Machado Official Visit in Spain: Meeting with Spanish Banking Associations
Larnaca Association of Cyprus Banks: Panicos Nikolaou – Chairman & Anna Agathangelou – Associate Manager & Maria Keleshi – Interim CFO & Eliza Livadiotou – Executive Director Finance / Hellenic Bank: Antonis Rouvas – Vice Chairman Eurobank: Michalis Louis:CEO Dominique Laboureix & Jesus Saurina Salas Official Visit in Cyprus: Meeting with the Association of Cyprus Banks & CEOs
Ghent Mr. Minegishi, Deputy Director-General, Bank of Japan Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Francesco Ceccato, Chief Executive Officer, Barclays Europe Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Peter Simon, Managing Director, European Savings and Retail Banking Group Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Mr de la Chapelle Bizot,Head of Public Affairs and Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer, Groupe BPCE Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of Eurofi
Ghent Colin Bell, CEO, HSBC Europe Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Vittorio Grilli, EMEA Chairman - Anna Dunn, EMEA CFO, JP Morgan Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Tanate Phutrakul, CFO & Member of the Executive Board, ING Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Karolin Schriever, Executive Member of the Board, German Savings Banks Association (DSGV) Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Peter Simon, Managing Director, European Savings and Retail Banking Group Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Greg Baer, President & CEO, Bank Policy Institute Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi
Ghent Philippe Bordenaeve, Chief Operating Officer, BNP Paribas Dominique Laboureix & Policy Officer Bilateral meeting in the margins of the Eurofi