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Dec 1 2021

Check against delivery


Good morning Madam Chair and good morning honourable members,

It is a pleasure to be with you once again at the ECON Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to outline the SRB’s priority list of work for the...

Reinforcing crisis readiness with transfer tools

Blog post |

The SRB’s role is to develop resolution plans that are ready for action at very short notice, for the banks under our remit. If a bank should fail, our goal is to make sure that happens in an organised and orderly way. We make sure that any critical roles...

Oct 14 2021

[Check against delivery]


Thank you, Melinda, and good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

It is my honour and pleasure to once more give the closing remarks to the SRB Annual Conference.

What a joy it was to organise this hybrid event in...

Oct 14 2021

[Check against delivery]


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, fellow speakers; and good morning to our audience joining us online, from around the world.

First, may I thank each of our speakers for taking part in this event – the quality...

News |

The SRB Annual Conference takes place on Thursday, 14 October 2021 from 09:00 to 12:10. We will broadcast the hybrid event, combining high-level live and virtual speakers, live from our premises. 

View the full speaker line-up, the agenda and find the...

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On Monday, 4 October, Single Resolution Board Chair Elke König will update the Eurogroup (in Banking Union format) on progress in resolution planning and MREL, as well as the SRB priorities for 2022 in the area of resolvability. The Chair will also give...

No time to waste in completing the Banking Union

Blog post |

The European Banking Union still awaits completion, with more work urgently needed to move towards a fully integrated system that delivers better crisis management, depositor protection and a stronger banking sector.

The European Commission has recently...

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The SRB has published information on its approach to prior permissions for eligible liabilities, in line with upcoming regulatory changes. Read the guidance here.

SRB’s new heat-map approach enhances resolvability assessment

Blog post |

Making banks resolvable remains the SRB’s key priority [1]. Banks entered the Covid-19 crisis in a much better shape than during the 2008 financial crisis, and were instrumental for financing the economy. However, the pandemic also reminded stakeholders...

News |

If you are a frequent visitor to our website, you’ll notice that from today, things have changed somewhat. Along with our fresh new visual identity, we have launched a brand new website.

The new site is designed to help you find all the information you...

226 - 250 of total 473 results shown