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May 5 2020

Check against delivery


Dear Chair, Honourable Members, ladies and gentlemen, good morning;

I want to thank you for the opportunity to address your committee, albeit remotely. First of all, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and...

COVID-19 crisis: the SRB's approach to MREL targets

Blog post |

In this blog, I would like to provide additional clarity on the SRB’s approach to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL), taking the impact of the COVID-19 crisis into account.

First of all, the banking industry has made...

News |

Following European Commission and Belgian government decisions, SRB staff is teleworking as from Monday, March 16 until further notice. The SRB continues to monitor the situation and remains fully operational. Staff remain contactable via email or phone.


The case for explaining regulation and supervision to all

Blog post |

At the height of the financial crisis, a survey showed that most young adults would rather go to the dentist than listen to a banker. That’s a painful finding on various levels. Arguably the financial sector lost the trust of the general public during the...

Press releases |

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jan Reinder De Carpentier as Vice-Chair and Pedro Machado and Jesús Saurina as Members of the Board and Directors of Resolution Planning and Decisions. They will take up their...

Press releases |

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) is moving into the final phase of the right to be heard process regarding its preliminary decision whether to compensate the shareholders and creditors affected by the resolution actions concerning Banco Popular Español S...

Press releases |

The EU’s banking resolution authority, the Single Resolution Board (SRB), has today outlined what it expects will happen after the UK formally leaves the EU.

Under the Withdrawal Agreement agreed between the UK and the EU27, there will be a Transition...

Resolution: from basics to readiness

Blog post |

Welcome to our new blogging series! 

Look out for our next SRB Insights in 2020, we will invite authors from other EU institutions but also from the industry and academia to blog on our latest online platform. Different voices, different opinions, all...

Press releases |

The Single Resolution Board’s procedure to assess applications to reduce eligible liabilities instruments under Article 78a of the Capital Requirements Regulation will remain in place until the relevant European Banking Authority’s Regulatory Technical...

News |

On 10 October 2019, the Single Resolution Board (SRB) held its fourth annual conference. In contrast to previous years’ events, which focused on policy development and definition of resolvability mechanisms, this year’s discussions tackled topics related...

Press releases |

Senior officials from EU and national resolution, regulatory and supervisory authorities will hold a planned coordination exercise on 9 & 10 December 2019, as part of ongoing efforts to strengthen crisis preparedness.

The Single Resolution Board (SRB)...

Dec 3 2019

Check against delivery


Dear Chair, Honourable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for the invitation, and congratulations dear Chair on your recent election. We have a shared vested interest in making sure that Europe’s resolution...

Press releases |

The Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Elke König today presents the SRB’s 2017 Annual Report at the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in Brussels. 

The report takes stock of the work and the progress made in 2017...

326 - 350 of total 473 results shown