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  • 473 results found

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News |

The SRB has set up a dedicated solution for raising questions on the Resolution Reporting.

The Q&A process aims at providing support to National Resolution Authorities and institutions subject to the resolution reporting requirements.

Details on how to...

Nov 1 2019

Check against delivery


Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow speakers, distinguished guests, good afternoon.

Today, we are lucky once again to have so many high-level and distinguished speakers as part of this panel. We have a key question before us...

Oct 10 2019

Check against delivery


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The honour falls to me to close this year’s SRB Conference. It is encouraging to see a wide number of people attending today’s Conference, ranging from public and private bodies, European and...

Oct 10 2019

Check against delivery


Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow speakers, distinguished guests, good morning.

I want to wholeheartedly welcome each of you to this, the fourth Annual SRB Conference. Today, we are lucky once again to have so many high...

Press releases |

Following the European Central Bank’s assessment of AS PNB Banka as failing or likely to fail, the Single Resolution Board has today decided that resolution action is not necessary. The Latvian bank will be wound up under national law.

The SRB assessed...

Press releases |

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) today announced that the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) received a cash injection of €7.8 billion from 3,186 institutions for the year 2019. This brings the total amount in the SRF to just under €33 billion. The target size...

Press releases |

Brussels – 03 07 2019

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) has today published a paper outlining its approach to an important element of the resolution framework, the Public Interest Assessment (PIA).

The PIA examines whether the resolution of a particular...

News |

SRB Update on the Banco Popular Español Right To Be Heard Process

In light of the questions received by the SRB via e-mail in relation to Valuation 3 and the ‘right to be heard’ process, the SRB would like to inform you that it is currently assessing the...

Press releases |

‘Complete resolution plans for all banking groups under SRB remit by 2020,' says Elke König 

Brussels – 01 07 2019

The SRB today published its 2018 Annual Report, which gives an overview of its work and highlights achievements and progress. 

Work on...

News |

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) has published its Introduction to Resolution Planning. This publication describes the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) and its work on resolution planning.

A resolution plan comprises a comprehensive description of a...

News |

The SRB has the mandate to ensure resolvability of all the banks under its remit. The SRB expects all banks active in the Banking Union to meet a specific set of resolvability conditions. This position paper, published in November 2018, focuses on six...

Press releases |

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) announces the appointment of Mr Sebastiano Laviola as Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Strategy and Cooperation. He will take up his duties on 1 May, 2019.

Mr Laviola, an Italian national, is a Central...

351 - 375 of total 473 results shown