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Today, the Single Resolution Board (SRB) announced the amount of contributions made by banks to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) for 2021. All banks in the Banking Union and some investment firms are required by law to pay annual levies into an emergency...
The SRB today published its 2020 Annual Report detailing the progress made in promoting financial stability while protecting the taxpayer through Europe's banking resolution framework.
In 2020, despite the pandemic, the SRB continued to make progress in...
Updated guidance has been published on 25 October 2021, visit this page for more information.
The SRB has published today its policy on how banks can notify the authorities when bail-in recognition clauses cannot be added to contracts under third-country...
In a severe banking crisis, the question of what to do with impaired assets is often raised. The most straightforward option, of selling the assets at a low price in a fire sale, can trigger an unnecessary destruction of value, with the banking framework...
The SRB has today published a revised approach to the Public Interest Assessment policy (PIA) in resolution planning.
The updated approach takes into account that a bank’s failure may take place not only under an idiosyncratic scenario, but also under...
The public interest assessment is a key safeguard in bank resolution, to protect taxpayers and financial stability. When faced with a failing bank, the SRB considers whether resolution best serves the public interest or whether the bank can go into normal...
Today, the Single Resolution Board (SRB) publishes its updated ‘Minimum Requirements for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL) Policy under the Banking Package’. The updated policy introduces a number of new elements and refinements, based on the...
The Chair of the Single Resolution Board, Elke König will inform on Friday 21 May 2021 the Eurogroup ministers about ongoing activities of the SRB, focusing on progress regarding resolution planning, resolvability and minimum requirement for own funds and...
Today, the SRB published key considerations on the crisis management and deposit insurance (CMDI) framework review.
- Please read the attached document.
Find here the SRB response to the European Commission targeted consultation on the review of the...
Today, the SRB publishes new guidance on liquidity and funding in resolution. Banks are likely to face liquidity stress in resolution because of the reluctance of market participants to roll-over or provide funding to a bank in crisis. Even after a...
Resolution planning has come a long way since the financial crisis 2007/08 and is now firmly rooted in the Banking Union’s regulatory framework. Preserving financial stability in all 21 Banking Union Member States and beyond is key[1], and this guides the...
Resolution planning is about being prepared to deal with failing banks in a controlled way, in order to protect taxpayers and keep providing critical functions to the economy while preserving financial stability.
To safeguard the resolution objectives...
The Single Resolution Board responded to the European Commission targeted consultation on the review of the bank crisis management and deposit insurance (CMDI) framework.
About the consultation
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the EU...
In Europe, we have built our resolution framework from scratch in just a few short years. This required prioritising tasks in the initial phases. Up to now, we have mainly focused on the operationalisation of the bail-in tool, as it is the preferred...
Today, the SRB publishes a document which describes elements that banks should consider for the operationalisation of the bail-in in respect of international bearer debt securities issued by and safekept in the international central securities...
SRB approach to the eligibility of UK law instruments without bail-in clauses after Brexit
The Single Resolution Board (SRB) has published a communication on its approach to liabilities governed by UK law without a contractual bail-in recognition clause...
There is no doubt that 2020 was a milestone year in many people’s lives. At the SRB, 2020 also saw us hit two major milestones from a resolution planning perspective.
The first of these was the introduction of a new resolution planning cycle (RPC) based...