Depending on the tasks, the SRB convenes in different compositions. The ‘restricted’ Executive Session is composed of the Chair and the four further full-time Board Members. The Vice-Chair participates in the ‘restricted’ Executive Session as a non-voting member, but carries out the functions of the Chair in their absence.
In case the Executive Session deliberates on a specific bank, the Executive Session is extended (‘extended’ Executive Session) to include the Board Members that represent relevant NRAs. Hence, the composition of the ‘extended’ Executive Session depends on the individual bank in issue. If the ‘extended’ Executive Session is not able to reach a joint agreement by consensus, the Chair and the four further full-time Board Members take a decision by simple majority.
The Plenary Session is composed of the Chair, the four further full-time Board Members and the Board Members representing all NRAs. Similar to the Executive Session, the Vice-Chair participates in the Plenary Session as a non-voting member, but carries out the functions of the Chair in their absence.
The EC and the ECB have permanent observer status in all meetings of the Executive and Plenary Sessions of the SRB. Where relevant, other observers may be invited on an ad hoc basis to the Executive and Plenary Sessions. Where the ‘extended’ Executive Session deliberates on a bank that has subsidiaries or significant branches in non-participating Member States, the resolution authorities of those Member States are invited to participate in the meeting.