After reaching the end of the phase-in period, the SRB has now reached a number of key milestones: we have a well-established 12-month resolution planning cycle, banks across the Banking Union have made good progress in terms of resolvability and have reached their final MREL targets (or are on the way to reaching them), and the Single Resolution Fund is now built-up and fully mutualised. With these goals achieved, it is time for the SRB to enter phase two.
To do so, during 2023, the SRB initiated a strategic review, in consultation with NRAs, public authorities and industry. The first carried out within the SRM, to define its long-term goals for the next phase and strengthen further the collaboration with NRAs and other stakeholders to deliver on the SRM mission. The strategic review SRM: Vision 2028 has three areas of focus: core business; governance, organisation and tools; and human resources.
SRM: Vision 2028 will be the steering guide for the SRM’s work in the coming five years. The strategy fleshed out in more detail in other planning and programming documents: the multi-annual plan and respective annual work programmes, as well as in the multi-annual and annual budgets and establishment plans for the organisation. Its implementation will be assessed in the SRB annual reports. Information and documents relating to the strategy will be posted on this page.