The SRB aims to consult the banking industry and relevant stakeholders on its Operational guidance for banks on resolvability self-assessment.
Now that the phase-in period of the Expectations for Banks has come to an end, the SRB is revising its resolvability assessment methodology, known as the Heatmap, outlining the capabilities that banks are expected to maintain over time in order to be deemed resolvable. These capabilities will be integrated into the self-assessment that banks are expected to complete each year, thereby fostering consistency and a level playing field across the sector. This initiative will also provide banks with greater clarity on the capabilities expected to be met at each level of the Heatmap.
While the former methodology considered three levels of progress, the enhanced approach introduces a fourth level to enable the identification of those banks that have developed "advanced" capabilities during the implementation phase of the Expectations for Banks. Since these capabilities may enhance a bank's overall resolvability, depending on its specific characteristics, the SRB sees merit in recognising them as part of the resolvability assessment. With this consultation, the SRB seeks the banking sector and the general public’s views as regards their implementation in the revised methodology.
Following the review of the contributions to this consultation, the SRB will reflect again on its resolvability assessment methodology and address any issues raised. The SRB will publish the final Operational guidance, together with a summary of the contributions from the industry and other stakeholders explaining how they were taken into account. Individual comments will not be disclosed.
Take part in the consultation by filling in the online questionnaire

Operational guidance for banks on resolvability self-assessment