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Single Resolution Board launches 2020 resolution reporting data request


As communicated during the SRB Industry dialogue on June 18th 2019, the SRB has today launched the process for the 2020 data collection cycle for Resolution Reporting. The details of the scope, content and deadlines for resolution reporting to the SRB are now available on the dedicated SRB webpage.

In terms of the content and format of the data request, the SRB has made an effort to align with the EBA reporting framework 2.9. Where necessary to fulfil its mandate as Group Level Resolution Authority, the SRB has extended the data request. In particular, the SRB will be requesting Additional Liability Data in preparation for the 2020 resolution planning cycle. This data request is aligned with the ongoing work undertaken at the EBA on the development of Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on reporting, while addressing some specificities of the resolution strategies. Given the temporary nature of this data request – until it is replaced by the RTS – the data collection for this specific report will be in Excel format in 2020. This data may be collected in XBRL in future collections if fully integrated to EBA’s ITS (see EBA website for further details).

As was the case during previous collection cycles, for the 2020 data collection the SRB will be collecting data from banks, via National Resolution Authorities (NRAs), for those banks under the SRB’s remit. NRAs will inform banks of their resolution reporting obligations in October 2019, once these are finalised in collaboration with the SRB.

The deadline for delivery by banks to NRAs is March 31st 2020 for the Liability reports (main report in XBRL, and Additional Liability Data in Excel, as mentioned above). All other resolution reports are due by banks by April 30th 2020.

For more information or questions, banks are invited to contact their NRAs.

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