Partner at Pérez-Llorca since 1st December 2021, director of Pérez-Llorca’s Brussels Office since 1st September 2022. State attorney on leave of absence. Expert on European Union and Competition Law. She has participated in cases before the EU Courts relating to state aid and consumer protection Law and advised clients in public procurement, state aid, internal market, EU restrictive measures and energy questions.
Prior to joining the firm, she has worked as State attorney in the Spanish Public Administration for 18 years (the last ten years, in the area of European Union Law): She was head of the EU Legal Service before the ECJ and Agent of the Kingdom of Spain. She has participated in cases concerning institutional EU matters (the conditionality rule of law mechanism), secondary sanctions concerning the Blocking Statute (C-124/21, Bank Melli Iran), competition cases (C-882/19), state aid (C-362/19 P), or intra EU arbitration (C-284/16, Achmea).
Before, she was State Attorney-Legal Adviser at the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union in Brussels (she participated as part of the Spanish team in the Brexit negotiations, and the negotiation of the termination Treaty of the BITs), she was State Attorney before the National High Court (Audiencia Nacional) (Administrative Chamber), and before the Central Administrative Courts.