In line with our standard approach in previous years, the SRB has launched a consultation on the 2023 preliminary contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF). The SRF is an emergency fund to support bank resolution and is being built up over eight years between 2016 and 2023. This year marks the last year of the initial SRF built up period.
The consultation is as of 23 March. Contributions are due to be paid into the SRF by 30 June.
The consultation will give banks and other financial institutions required to pay into the SRF the chance to provide comments on the preliminary calculation of the 2023 contributions due.
The consultation is a preliminary step before adoption of the final decision on the amount each bank and other financial institution has to pay, to enhance the transparency and robustness of the ex-ante contributions process.
Approximately 2,800 banks and other financial institutions, across the 21 EU countries that make up the Banking Union, will contribute to the SRF in 2023.
Banks and other financial institutions that contribute to the SRF, and wish to provide their comments on the 2023 ex-ante contributions decision-making process, are invited to consult the following page for more information.
What are the banks and other financial institutions being consulted on?
They are being invited to comment on the preliminary findings of the SRB for the calculation of ex-ante contributions to the SRF for 2023.
How and when can they provide comments?
Via the link to EU Survey that they can access from 23 March 2023 in the morning to 5 April 2023 18:00 CET. Institutions will access the EU Survey via the password they received in the SRB Kick-off letter sent in October 2022.
What will happen to these comments?
They will be carefully examined and taken into account in the decision-making process for calculation of the 2023 ex-ante contributions to the SRF.
Has the calculation method changed for 2023?
No. The calculation method has not changed from previous years.
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