Web stream
We welcome original theoretical and empirical contributions, from different disciplines, on topics including, but not limited to:
- Review of the EU bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework: tension between handling bank failures and protecting depositors;
- Completing the Banking Union: the European Deposit Insurance Scheme;
- Shielding EU public money from the effects of bank failures under EU State Aid rules;
- Interaction between liquidity, capital and bail-inable debt requirements;
- Cross-border resolution and challenges for home/host authorities;
- Liquidity and funding in resolution: progress and challenges ahead;
- Did post-financial-crisis reforms make the EU banking sector more resilient?;
- Moments of widespread bank fragility: contagion, systemic risk, and resolution;
- The role of international standard-setting in resolution and crisis management rules;
- The impact of Covid-19 on European banks and on the EU bank crisis management framework;
- Does the exit strategy post-Covid-19 pose a challenge to the banking sector?; and
- Safe assets & Covid-19 recovery.
While some of the topics are Europe-specific, we also encourage papers that assess non-European experience.
Submissions & application procedure
- Papers should be submitted in PDF format to the SAFE portal link.
- Each contribution should address one of the above topics and should include an Extended Abstract of maximum one-page.
- The deadline for submission is 1 September 2021.
- Authors of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be notified by 15 October 2021

Programme for day 1
Day 1 - 17 November 2021: Chaired by Thorsten Beck (Director, FBF) |
14.00 – 14.05 | Welcome and Introduction by Elke König (Chair of the SRB) |
14.05 – 15.25 |
Session 1: Financial stability risks within the banking sector |
14.05 – 14.45 |
'The importance of deposit insurance credibility' Diana Bonfim (Banco de Portugal and Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics) - Discussant: Erietta Excharchopoulou (SRB) |
14.45 – 15.25 |
'The Carrot and the Stick: Bank Bailouts and the Disciplining Role of Board Appointments' Christian Mücke (SAFE) Discussant: Maria Ana Barata (FBF, EUI) |
15.25 – 15.30 | break |
15.30 – 16.50 | Session 2: Challenges of bank resolution strategies and funding |
15.30 – 16.10 |
When trust is not enough: Bank resolution, SPE, Ring-fencing and group support' Mathias Dewatripont (ECARES, SBS-EM, Université libre de Bruxelles) Discussant: Francisco Millan Rajoy (SRB) |
16.10 – 16.50 |
Bank Funding and Regulatory Changes: Evidence from Euro Area Security Registers' Alessandro Scopelliti (KU Leuven, ECB and U. Zurich) Discussant: Matthias Efing (HEC Paris) |
16.50 – 17.00 | Concluding Remarks by Loriana Pelizzon (SAFE) |
Programme for day 2
Day 2 - 18 November 2021: Chaired by Tatiana Farina (SAFE) |
14.00 – 14.05 | Welcome and Introduction by Jan Reinder De Carpentier (Vice-Chair of the SRB) |
14.05 – 15.25 |
Session 3: Banking sectors on the road to the COVID-19 recovery |
14.05 – 14.45 |
'Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?' Sascha Steffen (Frankfurt School) Discussant: João Granja (University Chicago Booth School of Business) |
14.45 – 15.25 |
'Financial Policymaking after Crises: Public vs. Private Interests' Orkun Saka (City, University of London & LSE) Discussant: Thomas Lambert (Erasmus University Rotterdam) |
15.25 – 15.30 | break |
15.30 – 16.10 | Session 4: More incentives to less productive and more indebted firms? |
15.30 – 16.10 |
'Evergreening' Miguel Faria-e-Castro ((Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) - Discussant: Eva Schliephake (Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics) |
16.10 – 16.50 |
Keynote Speech by Manju Puri (Duke University), chaired by Emiliano Tornese (EC-DG FISMA, FBF, EUI) |
16.50 – 17.00 | Concluding Remarks by Jan Pieter Krahnen (SAFE) |