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Tuija Taos

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Financial Stability Authority, Finland

Ms. Tuija Taos has been the Director General of the integrated Finnish national resolution and deposit guarantee authority since 2015. Prior to that, she worked for 14 years as the Head of Unit in the Financial Market Department in the Ministry of Finance, responsible for the preparation of Finnish and EU financial market legislation and financial market policy.


May 20 - 21 2024

BCBS-FSI high-level meeting for European Supervisors

Public engagements
Sep 19 2022

SRB Conference 2022 - European banks: resolvable and ready for crisis?

SRB conference
Sep 19 2022

SRB Conference 2022 - European banks: resolvable and ready for crisis?

SRB conference
Sep 19 2022

SRB Conference 2022 - European banks: resolvable and ready for crisis?

SRB conference
Sep 19 2022

SRB Conference 2022 - European banks: resolvable and ready for crisis?

SRB conference
Sep 19 2022

SRB Conference 2022 - European banks: resolvable and ready for crisis?

SRB conference