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  • 438 results found

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Press releases |
  • The consultation gathers views from industry and other stakeholders to inform the adoption of the minimum bail-in data template.
  • The consultation is open from 13 March 2024 to 8 May 2024.

The Single Resolution Board launched today a public consultation on...

Tackling trading book risk in resolution

Blog post |

Banks’ trading activities can carry a substantial part of their total risk and be a channel of contagion in bank crises. A keen understanding of what’s in trading books and of how to wind them down post resolution while staying solvent is key for a...

Feb 13 2024

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Good morning to each of you.  

Thank you for taking the time to be with us here today, whether you are joining us physically in this magnificent conference centre, or online, your participation is appreciated. I hope...

CMDI reform: the SRB view

Blog post |

The EU has put in place robust rules for bank supervision and crisis management, including a strong resolution framework. We’ve seen these pay off, in terms of how the European banking sector has coped with a series of crises. The rules also ensured the...

Dec 4 2023

Watch it live here

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Good afternoon Madam Chair, honourable members, ladies and gentlemen, 

I have five minutes for my opening speech, so I will dive straight in with three key points: the 2024 work programme, my first...

Press releases |

The SRB publishes today its 2024 Annual Work Programme, setting out its objectives and priorities for the year ahead. 

The 2024 work programme will be completed early next year with a multi-annual work programme for the SRB, based on the 2023 strategic...

Press releases |

The SRB publishes today its MREL dashboard for Q2.2023. The MREL dashboard presents the evolution of MREL targets and shortfalls for resolution (external MREL) and non-resolution entities (internal MREL) as well as the level and composition of resources...

26 - 50 of total 438 results shown