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  • 438 results found

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Interviews |
  • The Swiss decision has led some Credit Suisse AT1 bondholders to consider legal action, and it sparked uncertainty for bondholders around the world.
  • “We wanted to tell it very clearly to the investors, to avoid to be misunderstood: we have no choice...
Interviews |

EU plans to bring more mid-sized banks into the resolution framework and tinker with the conditions for a rainy-day fund for bank failures won’t be a “free lunch,” according to the head of the European authority for handling bank failures.


Press releases |

New Single Resolution Board Member Tuija Taos has started her mandate today, with responsibility for resolution planning and decisions.

Ms Taos is the former Director-General of the Finnish national resolution authority, the RVV, and also worked for the...

Interviews |

Single Resolution Board chair adamant Brussels will not take investors in bank debt ‘by surprise’

A senior EU policymaker has pledged not to wrongfoot investors by upending bank creditor hierarchies, after a market uproar at Switzerland’s decision to...

Press releases |

The Single Resolution Board, the European Banking Authority and ECB Banking Supervision welcome the comprehensive set of actions taken yesterday by the Swiss authorities in order to ensure financial stability. The European banking sector is resilient...

Why the SRB needs a new vision

Blog post |

As the SRB enters phase two of its existence, SRB Chair Dominique Laboureix shares his reasons for launching a strategic review of how the SRB works, which will feed into a new plan for Europe’s central, independent resolution authority.

Two months ago...

Press releases |

In line with our standard approach in previous years, the SRB has launched a consultation on the 2023 preliminary contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF). The SRF is an emergency fund to support bank resolution and is being built up over eight...

Mar 1 2023

[Check against delivery]


Good morning Madam Chair, honourable members, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honour for me to be here today, for the first time as Chair of the SRB. The last time you saw me, I was just a candidate. Let me thank...

News |

On the 1st of January, Croatia became the 20th EU country to join the Eurozone.

Back in October 2020, Croatia joined the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) following the decisions by the European Central Bank (ECB) to establish close cooperation with the...

News |

The Single Resolution Board and the European Central Bank have revised their Memorandum of Understanding in order to further enhance cooperation and information exchange.

The SRB Chair, Elke König, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the ECB Supervisory...

Podcasts |

Our third episode features former SRB Chair Elke König who reflects on her eight-year term at the SRB, the challenges of setting up an organisation from scratch and what she is most proud of.  

Nov 30 2022


Buongiorno Signora presidente!  

Good afternoon Madam Chair, honourable Members and to all of you observing in the room, or watching online. It is a pleasure to be with you yet again, this time for the last time.

Madam Chair, I want to...

101 - 125 of total 438 results shown